Volunteer activity of the University during the war

Participation of the University in social and political life

International cooperation of the University

Scientific activity of the University

Activities of the student self-government bodies of the University


Lviv University of Business and Law accepts internally displaced persons on preferential terms. 

Please use the University e-mail for communicationbusiness_law@ukr.net



Lviv University of Business and Law – a higher educational institution of the III-IV accreditation level, which trains specialists of the educational qualification level “bachelor” and “master”. The scientific and pedagogical potential of the university consists of 24 doctors of sciences and 53 candidates of sciences.

The university is characterized by a high level of provision of computer equipment, the development of modern information technologies in management and education.

The educational process is aimed at ensuring the appropriate level of qualification of specialists in accordance with state standards. In particular, the Lviv University of Business and Law trains specialists in the following specialties:

  • 011 Освітні, педагогічні науки

  • 023 Fine art, decorative art, restoration

  • 025 Музичне мистецтво

  • 028 Musical art

  • 053 Psychology

  • 061 Journalism

  • 071 Accounting and taxation

  • 072 Finance, banking, insurance and stock market

  • 081 Right

  • 121 Software engineering

  • 241 Hotel and restaurant business

  • 242 Tourism and recreation

  • 281 Public management and administration

  • 291 International relations, public communications and regional studies

  • 293 International law



  • preparation courses НМТ

  • studying at the military department

  • there is a double degree program with institutions of higher education of the Republic of Poland and the Slovak Republic

  • the opportunity to continue studying in master’s, postgraduate, doctoral studies

  • activities of specialized academic councils for the defense of theses

  • availability of a dormitory

  • driving school and security guard training courses


 It recruits applicants based on the 9th and 11th grades in the following specialties:

  • 072 Finance, banking, insurance and stock market

  • 081 Right

  • 123 Computer Engineering

  • 241 Hotel and restaurant business

  • 242 Tourism and recreation

Graduates receive a certificate of completion of general secondary education, a junior bachelor’s diploma and have the opportunity to continue their studies in the 3rd year of the University in the chosen specialty.

By using the services of the Center for International Education, which is a structural unit of the Lviv University of Business, you have a unique opportunity to cooperate with the Lviv University of Business and the right to acquire not only thorough knowledge in your chosen specialty, but also to complete a course of study at prestigious foreign higher education institutions on a distance or stationary basis educational institutions (Górnośląska Wyższa Szkoła Handlowa im. Wojciecha Korfantego w Katowicach; Wyższa Szkoła Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego i Indywidualnego APEIRON w Krakowie; Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu – National-Louis University) and receive Polish, American diploma of higher education for specialties:

  • right;

  • criminology and forensic medical examination;

  • management;

  • finance and accounts;

  • international relations;

  • sociology;

  • psychology;

  • tourism and recreation;

  • etc.

Training takes place on the basis of leading foreign higher educational institutions.

In the ZVO “Lviv University of Business and Law” are active doctoral studies and graduate schoolfrom the following specialties: 051 Economics, 081 Law

Code and name of the field of knowledge Code and name of specialty
1. 05 Social and behavioral sciences 051 Economy
2. 07 Management and administration 073 Management
3. 07 Management and administration 075 Marketing
4. 07 Management and administration 076 Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activity
5. 08 Right 081 Right
6. 23 Social work 232 Social welfare

Persons with a higher education and a specialist or master’s degree are admitted to postgraduate studies.

At the Lviv University of Business and Law there are specialized academic councils with the right to accept for consideration and conduct dissertation defenses for obtaining the scientific degree of candidate and doctor of legal and economic sciences by specialty.

During postgraduate studies, it is possible to take candidacy exams in philosophy, a foreign language, and a specialty at the university.

Ownership: private

t.v.o. Rector: Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Semchuk Zhanna Vitalyivna.

Material-technical base: at the disposal of students and teachers there are 28 educational premises, of which 16 are classrooms and laboratories, 3 computer classrooms, a library with a reading room, a sports and assembly hall, a dining hall and sports grounds, a dormitory with an improved layout with a service block, a medical center. Military training is carried out at the material and technical base of the Academy of Ground Forces named after Hetman P. Sahaidachny. Obtaining a higher education abroad is carried out on the basis of leading foreign higher educational institutions – Gornoslazka Higher School of Commerce named after Wojciech Korfantego (Poland, Katowice), School of Higher Education in Public and Individual Safety “APEIRON” (Poland, Krakow), Higher School of Business (Poland, Nowy Sonch) and National-Louis University (USA, Chicago).

Employment of graduates: upon completion of studies, graduates will be able to work as accountants, auditors, economists and financial managers at enterprises of various forms of ownership, bankers, lawyers, judges, etc.